Iram Gilani

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Understanding Permanent Psychosis: A Guide for Caretaking Families

Permanent Psychosis

Caring for a loved one with permanent psychosis can be a daunting and emotional journey. Permanent psychosis is a severe mental health condition characterized by a persistent disconnection from reality. Unlike temporary episodes of psychosis, permanent psychosis involves enduring symptoms that significantly impact daily functioning. As a caretaker, understanding the nature, causes, symptoms, and treatment […]

Nourishing Your Mind: The Mental Health Benefits of Eating Healthy

mental health

In a world where convenience often trumps nutrition, it’s easy to overlook the profound impact that our diet can have on our mental health. While most people recognize the physical benefits of a healthy diet, fewer realize how crucial nutrition is for maintaining and improving mental well-being. Eating healthy isn’t just about managing your weight […]

The Mental Health Benefits of Staying Physically Active

physically active

In today’s fast-paced world, mental health has become a significant concern for many individuals. The pressures of daily life, work stress, and personal challenges can often lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and overall mental fatigue. However, one powerful and often overlooked tool to combat these issues is physical activity. Regular exercise doesn’t just benefit […]

The Heart of Self-Love: Embracing Acceptance and Courage

In the fast-paced, often judgmental world we live in, practicing self-love can feel like an act of defiance. Yet, it’s one of the most profound gifts we can give ourselves. At the heart of self-love lie two essential elements: acceptance and courage. Together, they form the foundation for a life filled with inner peace, resilience, […]

Courageous Self-Love: The Journey to Inner Peace

In a world that often equates self-worth with productivity, achievements, and external validation, the concept of self-love can seem both elusive and revolutionary. True self-love is not about narcissism or self-indulgence; it’s about cultivating a deep sense of compassion, respect, and appreciation for oneself. This journey towards inner peace begins with the courageous act of […]

Empowered by Community: Healing After Trauma


Trauma can leave deep scars, often leading to feelings of isolation and despair. However, there is a powerful remedy that can aid in the healing process: community. By coming together, sharing our stories, and supporting one another, we can find strength and hope. In her insightful book, Trauma: Surviving and Thriving, Iram Gilani delves into the […]

United in Recovery: Overcoming Trauma Through Connection

Trauma can often leave individuals feeling isolated and misunderstood. However, one of the most powerful tools in the recovery process is connection. By uniting with others who have faced similar experiences, we can find strength, understanding, and a renewed sense of hope. In her compelling book, Trauma: Surviving and Thriving, Iram Gilani explores the profound impact […]

Strength in Solidarity: Thriving Beyond Trauma

In the aftermath of trauma, the path to healing can often feel overwhelming and lonely. Yet, there is a powerful antidote to this isolation: solidarity. As we come together, sharing our stories and supporting one another, we discover that we are not alone in our struggles. Through collective strength, we can thrive beyond our traumatic […]

Understanding Trauma and Its Long-Lasting Effects

Trauma is a deeply distressing experience that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope. Whether stemming from abuse, violence, accidents, or natural disasters, trauma leaves a profound impact on the mental and emotional well-being of individuals. Neglecting trauma recovery can have far-reaching consequences, often going unnoticed but significantly affecting one’s quality of life. The Psychological Repercussions of Untreated […]

The Hidden Toll: Ignoring Trauma and Its Consequences

Understanding Trauma and Its Impact Trauma is an unseen wound that leaves deep scars on the psyche. It results from distressing experiences that overwhelm an individual’s ability to cope, leaving them feeling helpless and vulnerable. While physical injuries heal with time, the psychological impact of trauma can persist for years, influencing an individual’s mental health, relationships, and overall quality […]

Iram Gilani

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